Welcome back!

WELCOME to (or back to) school here in Tucson!

A couple of quick thoughts for you student types heading into the Fall semester, especially those of you who are new.

First, I pray your transition is a good one, and please know I can’t wait to meet you. If you want to know at least a little about me beforehand so meeting me in person seems less awkward you can read my brief bio..

FYI, and for those who don’t know, we currently don’t have a facility of our own to meet in, even though we own 40% of the Campus Christian Center (715 N. Park Ave, just across from the UA main gate) – and used to meet there for many years. It is unfortunately tied up in an ongoing legal situation related to its sale.  So we have to just be a little bit creative about when and where we meet, and it means that for the first couple of weeks I am going to try to focus on just hopefully getting to meet each of you and then pulling together a modest weekly schedule of when and where we might all meet on at least a semi-regular basis coming out of the weekend following Labor Day when things will likely start to settle in for everyone.


I’m going to be on campus a lot in the hopes of providing all sorts of opportunities for you to stop by and say hi, but I’d love about 20 minutes or so to get to know you a little bit over the first couple of weeks, and these are the times I’m setting aside to “for sure” be available.  Yes, I can arrange to meet beyond these times, including in the evenings, but these are the times I’m setting in stone.  

08/27  Tues     10:30 am – 4:30 pm, UA Student Union

08/29  Thurs   10:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pima CC West /. 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, UA Student Union

08/30  Fri.       10:30 am – 3:30 pm, UA Student Union

09/03  Tues  10:30 am – 3:30 pm, UA Student Union

09/04  Wed   10:30 am - 12:30 pm, Pima CC West / 1: 30 pm – 3:30 pm, UA Student Union

09/06  Fri        10:30 pm  – 3:30 pm, UA Student Union

By Sunday night, August 25, I’ll send out a link to Google Meet invites for time blocks that I’ll be on campus, but the bottom line is that just come by and see me. No, I won’t be tabling per se, but I’ll be hanging out central in the food court of the Student Union looking modestly like a pastor while wearing a black hat with simple white words that say, “I am a Lutheran. Ask me about JESUS.” Since we don’t have a church to meet in, per se, and a fixed meeting location, my office is your office – campus!


While it will take a couple of weeks to see how things materialize after I meet all of you, here’s a couple of things for you to for sure look forward to, and a question or two?

  • I want to be available to you as much as possible.  My cell is (520) 400-3470.  Drop me a note anytime and for any reason.

  • Once things settle in, we are going to meet once a week somewhere whether on campus or off, while working toward getting enough to establish a student club and meet on campus.

  • I am also going to also start a weekly prayer opportunity to meet out on the main campus mall at UA at the same time every week for a prayer office – yes in the open? Why not?  There will be a lot of protests on campus this fall, so yeah, why not take over a few square feet of green grass to for such a thing.  But if you ever hear others complain about some pastor type chanting psalms or some such even if by himself, smile, because it’s probably me.

  • We are going to work toward a retreat during the year to invite students from other schools around Arizona and there might be other big events with other LCMS students to consider attending in the near future.

  • Whatever we develop in terms of a meeting time together, I am committed to tackling any and all tough questions or topics that you might like to address?  Nothing is too big or too small. If it knaws on you, or you want to learn more about it, or if you are being challenged by things on campus, I want you to have the opportunity to learn as much about whatever that might be!  So got something you have a question about?  Just tell me.  I live for tackling such things.

  • We are going to have an additional opportunity to meet weekly for what I am referring to as “Wildcatechism” evenings (Did you see what I did there? Haha). I know of 1-2 of you that might be interested in going through something a bit more comprehensive, you know kind of a college edition of catechesis.  This will happen.  

  • While many of you can get away on Labor Day Weekend, if you can’t, and would love something to do or the chance to go up Mt. Lemon or do something interesting on Saturday morning or Monday, let me know.  Perhaps a few of us can engage in some planned spontaneity and go hiking or exploring, or visiting archeological ruins, or your name it.


There are a few of you who are Pima CC students and I certainly want to include you and I will even be on campus periodically. Of course, there are several campus locations and so that might need to shake itself out a bit, but if it’s easier for you to meet on campus at one of the other locations, just say the word and we’ll work it out.  I’ll meet you where you are.  By the way, we also might have those your age who are stationed at the Davis-Monthan AFB as well.  Any and all are welcome!


We may at some point being holding Divine Services as a group off campus, but that is a goal to work toward. In the meantime, I tend to float around and go to different LCMS churches on Sunday to preach/teach, or just visit congregations to discuss campus ministry and/or get free food. Haha. But I’d love to have you join me and include you if you are interested.

On Sunday, August 24, I will be attending the Divine Service at my home church, Faith (3925 N. 5th Ave), at 9 a.m.  If you can make it, lunch afterwards is on me.  If you would like to come but need a ride, text me at (520) 400-3470 and if you are game, I or someone else will arrange to pick you up. 

Again, WELCOME to (or back to) school here in Tucson!

Go get ‘em, and remember that you are a baptized child of God, and that I and many others are here to serve you during this exciting and pivotal time in in your life. 

Fraternally in Christ,

Pastor Zill


The Authority to Forgive Sins


The Only Bread that Matters